20 Thursday

DevSecOps Transformation with Azure

Thu, Aug 20 (10:00am - 11:00am)


Achieve successful and secure DevOps transformation

As you know, DevOps offers many powerful business advantages from faster delivery time to better customer experiences. But simply implementing DevOps tools isn’t enough to reap its full benefits. What are the best practices you can adopt today to ensure your DevOps journey is successful and secure tomorrow?

Join our Azure webinar: DevSecOps Transformation with Azure

Gain a wealth of information from our two guests from Blazeclan as they share their DevOps Transformation (DoT) framework with Azure DevOps that enables end-to-end automation of your app development. Learn how it drives continuous measurement, learning, improvement and ultimately, optimal user experiences. Also ensure security becomes part of your organization’s DNA to maximize efficiency while minimizing risks, remediation and costs in the earlier stages of the development cycle.

Key highlights of this free information-packed session:

  • Introduction of Blazeclan and how they can drive your DevOps initiatives forward
  • Detailed breakdown of DoT framework from aligning goals and assessing maturity levels to defining metrics
  • What is DevSecOps, and the importance of building security into your dev process from the start
  • A can’t-miss demo on how DevSecOps comprising of Azure DevOps and Azure Kubernetes Service automates secure application development and deployment

Sign up now and enter a chance to receive a free two-day assessment to kickstart your DevOps transformation with improved cloud security posture, easier compliance, automation and more!

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Event Calendar

Thursday, Aug 20

10:00am - 11:00am  
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